Office Phone Booths

Office Phone Booths are the modern, ultra enhanced version of the common, public phone booth you can find in any street, but it has been adapted for use in a professional setting, most commonly an office. In simple terms Office Phone Booths are a kind of office pod, ideal for single occupancy, where users can just pop in and make phone or video calls in a private and quiet environment. Because Office Phone Booths are fully enclosed and most are constructed with sound absorbing materials, you will not only be making calls without disruption, but the conversations happening inside will not distract colleagues working in the office either. 

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On top of acoustic properties, Office Phone Booths come fitted with a great range of equipment, such as integrated furniture in the shape of working table tops big enough to fit in a notepad, tablet or laptop, and/or comfortable chairs or stools. They also typically include ventilation and light systems, as well as data and power connections, so that users can sit and make calls or work in a fresh and comfortable space. Office Phone Booths come flat packed so that they can fit into most spaces and once assembled they have a small footprint, so that they are the ideal solution for offices where space is limited, and not much needs to be altered to make room for them. 

For all these reasons, Office Phone Booths are the perfect solution to the lack of private and quiet spaces where to make calls and work in peace within open plan offices. Adding a Phone Booth to your office can truly transform the work life and overall performance of your staff.