Work Pods

Work Pods are the ideal, modern-day replacement of individual private offices and old-style cubicles. They provide private and quiet individual work stations where users can sit comfortably and work for long periods of time. Though work pods can easily be confused with the widely known phone booths, as they are indeed similar, work pods are in fact very different. Similarly to phone booths, work pods are fully enclosed units that create a room within a room. They are however, larger pods that provide more space and because they are more spacious, they usually come fitted with a comfortable and ergonomically designed bench, as well as a number of different work tables. 

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Work Pods are intelligent products and many of them incorporate technological advances to their design, such as height adjustable desks, UV disinfection lamps and/or LED face lights, specifically created for well lightened zoom calls. Work Pods also come fully equipped with lights and ventilation systems with motion sensor activation, as well as a variety of power and data connection. They also incorporate sound absorbing materials with high acoustic performance, that keep noises from the outside abay, while keeping conversations inside private and confidential.

These kinds of office pods are undoubtedly highly functional and efficient, but they are also beautiful and can truly enhance your office decor. There are a wide variety of work pods, available in different finishes, from neutral colors to natural wood looks to fit with or stand out from your decor. All in all, Work Pods are incredible units that can instantly fix the problem so many open plan offices face of not having private and quiet spaces where workers can sit and work in full concentration. Working inside a Work Pod will diminish the amount of distractions happening in the larger office space, thereby improving user’s performance and overall wellbeing. Work Pods come flat packed and can fit in most spaces, they can instantly add private offices without having to embark into long and expensive permanent building works.